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Products: Air

²£«~: ªÅ®ð



1 professional air treatment


2 O2 Generation System

»s®ñ¨t²Î (¤¤¥¡¦¡)


3 Thermal (Hospital)

°ª·Å±þµß¦¡ (ÂåÀø¯Å)

4 PCO - TiO2 (Small)

¥ú¶Ê¤Æ¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)  

5 PCO - TiO2 (Hospital)

¥ú¶Ê¤Æ¦¡ (ÂåÀø¯Å)

6 HEPA (Small)

°ª±K«×¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)  

7 Ultraviolet UV (Small)

µµ¥~¥ú¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)

8 Ultraviolet UV (Large)

µµ¥~¥ú¦¡ (°Ó¥Î¤Î¤u·~)

9 Electrostatic

ÀR¹q¦¡ (°Ó¥Î¤Î¤u·~)  

10 Multi-function (Small)

¦h¥\¯à¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)

11 Multi-function (Large)

¦h¥\¯à¦¡ (°Ó¥Î¤Î¤u·~)

12 Toxic Gas Removal


13 Odor Removal


14 Odor Neutralise




Cold Type





§Üµß / ¨¾¾`¶î¼h


Organic Type


Inorganic Type


PCO Type



Products: Water

²£«~: ¤ô³B²z

Electrostatic Type


Products: Service

²£«~: ªA°È

IAQ Measurement


Water Measurement



Products: Others

²£«~: ¨ä¥¦

Automatic Dispenser

¦Û°Ê¬~¤â / ®ø¬r¾÷

Sticky Mat - Sanitizing

Ö߶K®ø¬r¦a毡 - §Y±ó§Î


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Euromate, VisionAir, Grace,             ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, ªÅ®ð²M·s¾÷,             «Ç¤ºªÅ®ð½è¯À,             ªÅ®ð´ú¸Õ, Air Purifier, Air Cleaner, Indoor Air Quality, IAQ, HK,             ­»´äªÅ®ðÐä¤Æ¾¹¤¤¤ß

Air Purifier, Air Cleaner, ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, ªÅ®ð²M·s¾÷

1/. innoclean innoscrubber iS1006H13 and iS1006H13HC

 2/. euromate VisionAir 1 and VisionAir 2

3/. innoclean innoscrubber iS1007H13 HEPA and iS1007H13 PlasmaPCO



Laminar flow air purification system
silent - efficient - comfortable

innoclean iS1006H13 ¤Î iS1006H13HC ¤w¦C¤Jªº¾A¦X¥Î©óÀ\¶¼·~°È«ü©w³W®æªºªÅ®ð²b¤Æ³]³Æªí¡A¾A¦XÀ\¶¼·~¤Î°s©±¨Ï¥Î

¥Î³~¼sªx: Âå¾Ç¯Å H13 HEPA ¹LÂo ¤u·~¯Å 9 Kg ¸Á±_¦¡¬¡©Ê¬´ °ª±j«× UV µµ¥~¥úªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹

Solution for Strong chemical, Bacteria, Virus, Bad Odor & fine Dust mainly

innoclean iS1006

¥H§Ú­Ì¸g±`¥hªº°Ó³õ¬°¨Ò¡A¤£¤Ö°ÓçE©Î°Ó³õºÞ²z¬°¤F´£¨Ñ§ó¦n¡B§ó·sÂAªºÁʪ«ÅéÅç¡B©ó¤£¦Pªº¸`¤é©Î¥DÃDªº¯S¦â§G¸mµ¥¡A·|©w´Á½·s¡B²K¸m·sªº¸Ë¹¢©Î pop-up store µ¥µ¥¡A³¡¥÷ªº¤p«¬¤uµ{ªº¦w¸Ë§Ö±¶¤Î¥D­n¦b¤H¬y¸û¤Öªº®É¬q¶i¦æ¡A¦ý³£Ãø§K·|¤Þ­P¦Ç¹Ð¡B®ð¨ý©ÎTVOCµ¥ªÅ®ð¦Ã¬V¡C¦Ó¤@¨Ç¸û¤j«¬¤Î»Ý®É¸ûªøªºÂ½·s©Î¸Ë­×¤uµ{©Ò±a¨ÓªºªÅ®ð¦Ã¬V§ó¬Æ¡AÃø§K·|¹ï³X«È³y¦¨­t­±ªº¼vÅT©Î¤í¨ÎªºÁʪ«ÅéÅç¡A¦P®É¹ï¦b¾Fªñªº©±çE¤u§@ªºÂ¾­û±a¨Ó°·±dªº«Â¯Ù¡C

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¦³Ãö§ó¦h²£«~¸ê°T¤Î³W®æ¡A½Ð°Ñ¾\ iS1006 ªº²£«~¥U¤l

innoclean innoscrubber iS1006H13 series


Multi-function  - "Euromate" Model: VisionAir and Grace Series

Country of origin: Holland


¦h¥\¯à: ÀR¹q°£¹Ð, µµ¥~¥ú±þµß, °ª±K«×Âoºõ, ºÒ§l¨ý¦¡ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹

Solution for Tobacco Smoke, Bacteria, Virus, Bad Odor & very fine Dust mainly

Website: www.euromate.asia


No More Cigarette Smoke  & Smell Now!

¶W强°£·Ï¨ý¤Î·L¹Ð¥\¯à, ±M¬°§l·Ï©Ð, µL¹ÐªÅ¶¡, ¤úÂå¶E©Ò¤Î°ª­n¨D°ªªÅ®ð½è¯À¤§¤H¥K


Proven by TNO and VTT: VisionAir Blue Line effective against COVID-19
¸g TNO ¤Î VTT ÃÒ¹ê VisionAir Blue Line ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹¦³®Ä¹LÂo COVID-19

VisionAir 1 & 2 MediaMax ¤w¦C¤J­¹Àô¸pªº¾A¦X¥Î©óÀ\¶¼·~°È«ü©w³W®æªºªÅ®ð²b¤Æ³]³Æ


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Euromate VisionAir Blue Line ¤Î Grace ¨t¦C§¡¦b²üÄõ¥Í²£¡CVisionAir Blue Line ¨t¦CªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹ (ElectroMax, MediaMax & CarbonMax) ¬ð¯}¶Ç²ÎªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾÷¥\¯à¡A°£¤F§Q¥Î¿W¯SªºÀR¹q°£¹Ð¨t²Î¦³®Ä¦aºÒ¤ÆªÅ®ð¤¤Äa¯B·L²É¤Î²Óµß¯f¬r¥~¡A§ó¥i°t¦Xµµ¥~¥ú¿O(Ultra Violet)¡A´£¨ÑÂù­««O»Ù¡A¬J±þ°£ªÅ®ð¤¤ªº²Óµß¡A¤S¯à§ùµ´²Óµß¯f¬r©Ò¨Ìªþªº´CÅé – ªÅ®ð¤¤ªºÄa¯B·L²É¡C

VisionAir Blue Line ElectroMax ±Ä¥Î°ª®Ä¯àÀR¹q°£¹Ð¨t²Î¡A¦³§O©ó¤@¯ë¨Ï¥Î­tÂ÷¤l©Î¶Ç²Î°ª®Ä¯à¹LÂoºôªºªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾÷¡A¨ä®Ö¤ß³¡¥÷¬°¥ý¶iªºÀR¹q°£¹Ð¨t²Î¡A°t¦X«e¸m¹LÂoºô¤Î«á¸m¬¡©ÊºÒ¹LÂoºô¡A¥i¹LÂo¤Ö©ó0.01·L¦Ìªº¦Ã¬Vª«¡A¥]¬A³ÌÃøÀ³¥IªºÄa¯B·L²É¡Bªá¯»¡B¦â¯À¡B¤G¤â·Ï¤Î·Ï¹Ðµ¥¡C

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VisionAir Blue Line MediaMax ±Ä¥ÎÂå¾Ç¯Å H13 HEPA ¹LÂoºô¡A¦³®Ä¹LÂoªÅ®ð¤¤ªºÄa¯B²É¤l¡B²Óµß¡B­P±Ó·½¤Î²§¨ýµ¥¡C¦Ó VisionAir Blue Line CarbonMax ¤º¸m 6 kg (+/- 10%) ¬¡©Ê¬´¡A¦³®Ä³B²zÄY­«´c¯ä¤Î¦³®`¤Æ¾Ç®ðÅé¦p TVOC¡B¥ÒîǤέfµ¥¡C

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euromate VisionAir Blue Line

VisionAir Blue Line 1

VisionAir Blue Line 1

VisionAir Blue Line 2

VisionAir Blue Line 2 

"...Get your indoor air pollution under control..."
People, on average spend about 90% of their time indoors. The indoor air contains more pollutants than most outdoor air, due to lack of air change. It is full of hair, dust, mold, pet dander, smoke, pollen, and other allergens. These airborne particulates can lead to fatigue, headaches, throat, eye, and ear irritation and magnified allergy symptoms. Using a VisionAir commercial air cleaner, these harmful particulates can be filtered from the air "with a breeze."
Options for the VisionAir
Sterile Air
UV-light sterilizes such microorganisms as bacteria, viruses, mold spores, dust mites, and fungi. This is extremely helpful for those with severe allergies that may occupy your building. UV-C light is used to sterilize the air in hospitals and labs all over the world. Bring its technology to your environment with a VisionAir air cleaner.

Air Monitor
This Air monitor option takes away the need for manually controlling the unit. It has the ability to continuously keep track of gas and will turn the fan of the VisionAir air cleaner on and off as needed to clean the air

Installation Options for the VisionAir

Flush Mount
Flush mounting is often the preferred method of installation.  In terms of appearance, the bulk of the unit is hidden above the ceiling.  Since there is usually existing electrical above the ceiling, wiring for the unit is also conveniently hidden away.  As far as function, most ceilings are the right height for smoke and fumes.

Offering wall mount and ceilling mount for installing VisionAir 1. VisionAir 2 can be installed in ceilling.

Display Stand
Make your VisionAir portable and within comfortable reach with the optional display stand.  The stand raises the unit off the floor for better air flow.  The display stand also finishes off the VisionAir's contemporary look.

For minimal installation, you can simply set your VisionAir 1 on the floor or a table and plug it in.

 VisionAir Blue Line

More details please visit: www.euromate.asia


Comprehensive Air Processor
innoScrubber iS1007 Series
iS1007H13 • iS1007PlasmaPCO

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Âå¾Ç¯Å H13 HEPA (Double W shape) ¹LÂo Bi-polar Ionization µ¥Â÷¤lªÅ®ð²b¤Æ

Solution for Strong chemical, Bacteria, Virus, Bad Odor & fine Dust mainly

innoclean iS1007

·s«¬«aª¬¯f¬r (COVID-19) ¸v­h¥þ²y¡A¦p¦ó¨î­q¤Î¹ê¬I¨¾¬Ì±¹¬I¦¨¤F³Ì­«­nªºÄ³ÃD¡A¦Ó¤½²³¦a¤è¡B¤H¬y±K¶°©Î­±¿n¸û¤jªº¦a¤è§ó¦¨¬°²Óµß¯f¬r¶Ç¼½ªº°ª¦M¦a¤è¡A¬G¦¹¡Ainnoclean innoscrubber iS1007 ¨t¦Cªº¬y°ÊªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¨t²Î (iS1007H13 ¤ÎiS1007PlasmaPCO) ¬O²z·Qªº¨¾¬Ì¤è®×¡C

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innoclean innoscrubber iS1007 series




Copyright@2025 Hong Kong Air Purifier Center Limited
ir Cleaner, Air Purifier, Ultraviolet Air Purifier, UV Air Purifier, Ultraviolet Air Cleaner, UV Air Cleaner, UV Lamp, HEPA Air Purifier, innoclean, BEEX, BEEX BA3320, APR, Vaportek, Euromate, Grace, VisionAir, iAiR, Swan, Dove, Link, Elephant, HoneyClean Super, Sanuvox, Sanuvox P100, P1250, Sanuvox MB100, MB500, MB500X, C200, C100, Honeywell Air Purifier, Honeywell 17000E, F92C, F90A, F90B, F57A, F57B, F111, F114, F115, F52G, F50F, F58G, Dreamair, Kaz, Stinger, Air Purifier, BSE988, BSE888, BSE788, BSE-9, BSE-8, BSE-7, HealthPro, MultiTrap, SmokeTrap, Cleanroom, OdorVOC, ChemPro, MultiTrap, HealthPro, Cleanroom, Airsopure, Deparia, Blueair, Unitherm, Air Duct Cleaning Equipment, Hunter, HEPA Filter, Nano Photocatalyst, Photocatalystic, Air Duct Cleaning Service, Sanitizing Machine, Fogger, Fogging Machine, Sanitizer, Deodorize Machine Equipment, PCO, TiO2, electrostatic precipitator, Toshiba, CAF-D5, CAF-D4, ACD, S20B, OSHA, EPA, EPD, CSA, NRTL/C, Medical Device Class 1, WHO, CDC, NADCA, Anti-Bacteria product, Anti-Virus, products, Biocide, Bactericide, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-microbial, anti-viral, microbial, viral, antimicrobial research, antiviral research, antimicrobial products, antiviral products, pesticides, preservatives, FDA, EPA, antimicrobial, molecule, sanitizers, disinfectants, Thermal Air Purifier, Thermal Air Cleaner, Airfree Air Purifier, Airfree Air Cleaner, Germ Shield AEM5700 Antimicrobial Coating, AEGIS, Bioshield AM500, disinfection, BioEM, BioEA, TVOC, Guard D Aire, Filter Queen, Indoor Air Quality, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality Measurement, Anti Bacteria Equipment, Blueair, Pure Air, oxyclean, Giabo, Amaircare, Oxyvital, Trion, Apr, Lifa Air, odour, odor, °£¯ä¨ý, ¹@¨ý, ¯ä¨ý, AAF, Coway, germs hield, aegis, itp, InnoClean, oxyclean, InnoFog, Innotech, IAQ Measurement, Electrostatic Water Treatment, Bionaire,Biozone, Calfornia Air, Hong Kong, HK, ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, ªÅ®ð²M·s¾÷, µµ¥~½uªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, µµ¥~¥úªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, µµ¥~¥ú¿O, °ª®Ä¯à¹LÂoºõ, ¥ú¶Ê¤Æ, ¯Ç¦Ì¥ú¶Ê¤Æ, ¥úIJ´C, Ozone, ¶å®ñ, Ionizer, ­tÍù¤l, ­tÂ÷¤l, Electrostatic Precipitator, EP, Nano, Silver, Dustmate, dustmite, dust mite, dust mate, Hitachi, Panasonic, Osim, Samsung, Toshiba, Sharp, Amcor, IQair, ²M¬~, ®ð­·³ï³]³Æ, ²M¬~³q­·ºÞ¹D³]³Æ, ®ø¬r±þµß³]³Æ, ±þµß¾÷, ªÅ®ð±þµß¾÷, Àô«O®ø¬rÃĤô, Âå¥Í, ­»´äÂå¥Íºô, ¹LÂo¾¹, ªÅ®ð, ²b¤ô¾÷, ²b¤ô¾¹, ªÅ®ð¦Ã¬V, ¹LÂoºô, »ó±Ó·P, ¥úIJ´C, ¬¡©Ê¬´, ­·¼Ñ, §N®ð¼Ñ, ¤¤¥¡§N®ð¼Ñ, ²M¬~­·¼Ñ, °£¶å³]³Æ, Àô«O³B, ¥@¬É½Ã¥Í²Õ´, ¯e¯f±±¨î¤Î¹w¨¾¤¤¤ß, «D¨å«¬ªÍª¢, SARS, §Üµß§Ü¯f¬r²£«~, °ª·Å±þµß, ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹-¶®¼ä²b, «Ç¤ºªÅ®ð½è¯À³]³Æ, «Ç¤ºªÅ®ð½è¯À´ú¸Õ, ¤ô³B²z³]³Æ, §Üµß¬Þ, ªÅ®ð¦Ã¬V, ªÅ®ð, ªÅ®ð½è¯À, air, air pollutant, Ãú¤Æ¾¹, ­»´ä, ­»´äªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹¤¤¤ß, HKAPC, Hong Kong Air Purifier Center Limited