¡@ ¡@

Products: Air

²£«~: ªÅ®ð



1 professional air treatment


2 O2 Generation System

»s®ñ¨t²Î (¤¤¥¡¦¡)


3 Thermal (Hospital)

°ª·Å±þµß¦¡ (ÂåÀø¯Å)

4 PCO - TiO2 (Small)

¥ú¶Ê¤Æ¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)  

5 PCO - TiO2 (Hospital)

¥ú¶Ê¤Æ¦¡ (ÂåÀø¯Å)

6 HEPA (Small)

°ª±K«×¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)  

7 Ultraviolet UV (Small)

µµ¥~¥ú¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)

8 Ultraviolet UV (Large)

µµ¥~¥ú¦¡ (°Ó¥Î¤Î¤u·~)

9 Electrostatic

ÀR¹q¦¡ (°Ó¥Î¤Î¤u·~)  

10 Multi-function (Small)

¦h¥\¯à¦¡ (®a¥Î¤Î°Ó¥Î)

11 Multi-function (Large)

¦h¥\¯à¦¡ (°Ó¥Î¤Î¤u·~)

12 Toxic Gas Removal


13 Odor Removal


14 Odor Neutralise




Cold Type





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Organic Type


Inorganic Type


PCO Type



Products: Water

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Electrostatic Type


Products: Service

²£«~: ªA°È

IAQ Measurement


Water Measurement



Products: Others

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Automatic Dispenser

¦Û°Ê¬~¤â / ®ø¬r¾÷

Sticky Mat - Sanitizing

Ö߶K®ø¬r¦a´à - §Y±ó§Î


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Hong Kong Air Purifier Center Limited



Tel: 852-34210167

Fax: 852-30054839








Our Center


"QTS" Qualified


IAQ Certificate




IAQ Engineering


Love Donation




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Guide Book








Contact Us






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Cleanroom, OT room, ¤â³N«Ç, ²b¤Æ«Ç, ªÅ®ð²M·s¾÷, ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾÷, Air Cleaner, Air Purifier, ²M¬~³q­·ºÞ¹D, ²M¬~¤¤¥¡§N®ð­·³ï, ªÅ®ð¦Ã¬V, ªÅ®ð, ªÅ®ð½è¯À, «Ç¤ºªÅ®ð½è¯À, air duct cleaning services,  air, air pollutant, IAQ, Indoor air quality

Services / ªA°È


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* Clinic's OT Room and Cleanroom (Positive Pressure) IAQ improvement and Consultancy

* Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Assessment

* IAQ improvement consultancy & help to apply the IAQ Certificate

* Rental service of air purifier / air cleaner

* Antimicrobial and anti-virusTreatment and
* Chemical Removal Treatment

* Air Duct Cleaning Services

* FREE Hotline consultancy services

* FREE showroom professional IAQ consultancy services (Booking)


¥H¤WªA°È, ½Ð»P§Ú­ÌÁpµ¸: info@hkapc.org ©Î­P¹q 852-34210167

For any queries, pls. contact us at info@hkapc.org or 852-34210167




Clinic's OT Room and Cleanroom (Positive Pressure Design) IAQ improvement and Consultancy Services


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  ¡@ ¡@ ¡@
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Measurement) ¡@ ¡@ ¡@

Indoor Air Quality:

Do you know that our indoor environment may contain a lot of air pollutants. They are: Carbon dioxide and biological contaminants from people, pets, and plants; radon from building materials; volatile organic compounds from consumer products such as cosmetics, pesticide, cleaning agent, etc.; formaldehyde from pressed wood products such as furniture and environmental tobacco smoke from smoking. They are all harmful to our life, both in immediate effects and chronic effects.

Immediate effects
Include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue after exposure to high concentrations of indoor air pollutants. Such immediate effects are usually short-term
ed and treatable. Symptoms of some diseases, including asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and humidifier fever, may also show up soon after exposure to some indoor air pollutants.
Chronic effects
Some health effects may show up only years after exposure has occurred or after long or repeated periods of exposure, such as respiratory diseases, heart disease, and even cancer.




We spend more than 70% of our time at homes, in offices and other indoor environment. Poor indoor air quality can lead to discomfort, ill health (e.g. headache, itchy eyes, respiratory difficulties, skin irritation, nausea and fatigue). Children, elderly and those with existing respiratory or heart disease are more susceptible to the effects of poor indoor air quality. Good indoor air quality safeguards the health of the building occupants and contributes to their comfort and well being.

So, if you want to know more about your existing IAQ level, or if you want to improve your existing IAQ level. Contact Us.

For Details: www.iaqhk.com

Copyright@2025 Hong Kong Air Purifier Center Limited
Air Cleaner, Air Purifier, Ultraviolet Air Purifier, UV Air Purifier, Ultraviolet Air Cleaner, UV Air Cleaner, UV Lamp, HEPA Air Purifier, innoclean, BEEX, APR, Vaportek, Euromate, Grace, VisionAir, iAiR, Swan, Dove, Link, Elephant, HoneyClean Super, Sanuvox, Honeywell,Blueair,  Dreamair, Kaz, Stinger, Air Purifier, Airsopure, Deparia, Blueair, Unitherm, Air Duct Cleaning Equipment, Hunter, HEPA Filter, Nano Photocatalyst, Photocatalystic, Air Duct Cleaning Service, Sanitizing Machine, Fogger, Fogging Machine, Sanitizer, Deodorize Machine Equipment, PCO, TiO2, electrostatic precipitator, Toshiba, Airfree Air Purifier, Airfree Air Cleaner, Germ Shield AEM5700 Antimicrobial Coating, AEGIS, Bioshield AM500, disinfection, BioEM, BioEA, TVOC, Guard D Aire, Filter Queen, Indoor Air Quality, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality Measurement, Anti Bacteria Equipment, Blueair, Pure Air, oxyclean, Giabo, Amaircare, Oxyvital, Trion, Apr, Lifa Air, odour, odor, °£¯ä¨ý, ¹@¨ý, ¯ä¨ý, AAF, Coway, germs hield, aegis, itp, InnoClean, oxyclean, InnoFog, Innotech, IAQ Measurement, Electrostatic Water Treatment, Bionaire,Biozone, Calfornia Air, Hong Kong, HK, ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, ªÅ®ð²M·s¾÷, µµ¥~½uªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, µµ¥~¥úªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹, µµ¥~¥ú¿O, °ª®Ä¯à¹LÂoºõ, ¥ú¶Ê¤Æ, ¯Ç¦Ì¥ú¶Ê¤Æ, ¥úIJ´C, Ozone, ¶å®ñ, Ionizer, ­tÍù¤l, ­tÂ÷¤l, Electrostatic Precipitator, EP, Nano, Silver, Dustmate, dustmite, dust mite, dust mate, Hitachi, Panasonic, Osim, Samsung, Toshiba, Sharp, Amcor, IQair, ²M¬~, ®ð­·³ï³]³Æ, ²M¬~³q­·ºÞ¹D³]³Æ, ®ø¬r±þµß³]³Æ, ±þµß¾÷, ªÅ®ð±þµß¾÷, Àô«O®ø¬rÃĤô, Âå¥Í, ­»´äÂå¥Íºô, ¹LÂo¾¹, ªÅ®ð, ²b¤ô¾÷, ²b¤ô¾¹, ªÅ®ð¦Ã¬V, ¹LÂoºô, »ó±Ó·P, ¥úIJ´C, ¬¡©Ê¬´, ­·¼Ñ, §N®ð¼Ñ, ¤¤¥¡§N®ð¼Ñ, ²M¬~­·¼Ñ, °£¶å³]³Æ, Àô«O³B, ¥@¬É½Ã¥Í²Õ´, ¯e¯f±±¨î¤Î¹w¨¾¤¤¤ß, «D¨å«¬ªÍª¢, SARS, §Üµß§Ü¯f¬r²£«~, °ª·Å±þµß, ªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹-¶®¼ä²b, «Ç¤ºªÅ®ð½è¯À³]³Æ, «Ç¤ºªÅ®ð½è¯À´ú¸Õ, ¤ô³B²z³]³Æ, §Üµß¬Þ, ªÅ®ð¦Ã¬V, ªÅ®ð, ªÅ®ð½è¯À, air, air pollutant, ­»´ä, ­»´äªÅ®ð²b¤Æ¾¹¤¤¤ß, HKAPC, Hong Kong Air Purifier Center Limited